1,5h / € 59.- per Person

Happy hiking!
Leading us first through and across the narrow lanes and beautiful squares of Salzburg with its many sights, this tour then takes us up one of our city mountains, the Mönchsberg. There we get to enjoy breathtaking views of the mountains, the city from above and the surrounding countryside!
Important Information
Training: approx. 10 min. / Travel time: approx. 1h 20 min.
- Capacity of the Segway: 88 - 264 lb.
- Minimum age: 12 (complying with Austrian Law we do not accept kids younger than 12 - please present passport to verify child's age)
- We advise pregnant women not to participate in a Segway Tour.
- No alcohol before the tour!
- Please arrive at Wolf-Dietrich-Straße 3 app. 15 minutes before the tour start.
- Sturdy footwear.
- Bags and rucksacks can be stowed away with us (no liability!).
- No toilet available.